by Devin Yang

建立于: 6年前 ( 更新: 6年前 )


say -v mei-jia 我讲中文
say -v sin-ji 您好,我叫 Sin-ji。我讲广东话。
Agnes               en_US    # Isn't it nice to have a computer that will talk to you?
Albert              en_US    #  I have a frog in my throat. No, I mean a real frog!
Alex                en_US    # Most people recognize me by my voice.
Alice               it_IT    # Salve, mi chiamo Alice e sono una voce italiana.
Alva                sv_SE    # Hej, jag heter Alva. Jag ar en svensk rost.
Amelie              fr_CA    # Bonjour, je m’appelle Amelie. Je suis une voix canadienne.
Anna                de_DE    # Hallo, ich heie Anna und ich bin eine deutsche Stimme.
Bad News            en_US    # The light you see at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of a fast approaching train.
Bahh                en_US    # Do not pull the wool over my eyes.
Bells               en_US    # Time flies when you are having fun.
Boing               en_US    # Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter's here and it's colder than usual.
Bruce               en_US    # I sure like being inside this fancy computer
Bubbles             en_US    # Pull the plug! I'm drowning!
Carmit              he_IL    # .   ,    .
Cellos              en_US    # Doo da doo da dum dee dee doodly doo dum dum dum doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo
Damayanti           id_ID    # Halo, nama saya Damayanti. Saya berbahasa Indonesia.
Daniel              en_GB    # Hello, my name is Daniel. I am a British-English voice.
Deranged            en_US    # I need to go on a really long vacation.
Diego               es_AR    # Hola, me llamo Diego y soy una voz espanola.
Ellen               nl_BE    # Hallo, mijn naam is Ellen. Ik ben een Belgische stem.
Fiona               en-scotland # Hello, my name is Fiona. I am a Scottish-English voice.
Fred                en_US    # I sure like being inside this fancy computer
Good News           en_US    # Congratulations you just won the sweepstakes and you don't have to pay income tax again.
Hysterical          en_US    # Please stop tickling me!
Ioana               ro_RO    # Buna, ma cheama Ioana . Sunt o voce romaneasca.
Joana               pt_PT    # Olh, chamo-me Joana e dou voz ao portugu吱 falado em Portugal.
Junior              en_US    # My favorite food is pizza.
Kanya               th_TH    #  Kanya
Karen               en_AU    # Hello, my name is Karen. I am an Australian-English voice.
Kathy               en_US    # Isn't it nice to have a computer that will talk to you?
Kyoko               ja_JP    # zRHV、私U名前VKyokoN@。日本语U音\y囡e@。
Laura               sk_SK    # Ahoj. Volhm sa Laura . Som hlas v slovenskom jazyku.
Lekha               hi_IN    # ,    .Lekha[[FEMALE_NAME]]      .
Luciana             pt_BR    # Olh, o meu nome m Luciana e a minha voz corresponde ao portugu吱 que m falado no Brasil
Mariska             hu_HU    # Udvozlom! Mariska vagyok. [n vagyok a magyar hang.
Mei-Jia             zh_TW    # 您好,我叫美佳。我说国语。
Melina              el_GR    # Γεια σα, ονομαζομαι Melina. Ειμαι μια ελληνικη φωνη.
Milena              ru_RU    # YfUWghWi_hZ, bZcu ]dWih Milena. T V figg`^_ Xdadg g^ghZbq.
Moira               en_IE    # Hello, my name is Moira. I am an Irish-English voice.
Monica              es_ES    # Hola, me llamo Monica y soy una voz espanola.
Nora                nb_NO    # Hei, jeg heter Nora. Jeg er en norsk stemme.
Paulina             es_MX    # Hola, me llamo Paulina y soy una voz mexicana.
Pipe Organ          en_US    # We must rejoice in this morbid voice.
Princess            en_US    # When I grow up I'm going to be a scientist.
Ralph               en_US    # The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
Samantha            en_US    # Hello, my name is Samantha. I am an American-English voice.
Sara                da_DK    # Hej, jeg hedder Sara. Jeg er en dansk stemme.
Satu                fi_FI    # Hei, minun nimeni on Satu. Olen suomalainen aani.
Sin-ji              zh_HK    # 您好,我叫 Sin-ji。我讲广东话。
Tarik               ar_SA    #   Tarik.    .
Tessa               en_ZA    # Hello, my name is Tessa. I am a South African-English voice.
Thomas              fr_FR    # Bonjour, je m’appelle Thomas. Je suis une voix francaise.
Ting-Ting           zh_CN    # 您好,我叫Ting-Ting。我中文普通。
Trinoids            en_US    # We cannot communicate with these carbon units.
Veena               en_IN    # Hello, my name is Veena. I am an Indian-English voice.
Vicki               en_US    # Isn't it nice to have a computer that will talk to you?
Victoria            en_US    # Isn't it nice to have a computer that will talk to you?
Whisper             en_US    # Pssssst, hey you, Yeah you, Who do ya think I'm talking to, the mouse?
Xander              nl_NL    # Hallo, mijn naam is Xander. Ik ben een Nederlandse stem.
Yelda               tr_TR    # Merhaba, benim adm Yelda. Ben T┴kce bir sesim.
Yuna                ko_KR    # .   Yuna.   .
Zarvox              en_US    # That looks like a peaceful planet.
Zosia               pl_PL    # Witaj. Mam na imie Zosia, jestem gosem kobiecym dla jezyka polskiego.
Zuzana              cs_CZ    # Dobry den, jmenuji se Zuzana. Jsem cesky hlas.

Tags: macos

Devin Yang


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